
Your potential customers are looking at Ratings and Reviews on Google and Facebook right now...

Customers decide who to buy from - based on what they read!
Do you dominate the reviews in your local area?

If not we can fix that - read on...

Your Potential Customers are looking at Ratings and Reviews on Google and Facebook right now...

Customers decide who to buy from - based on what they read!
Do you dominate the reviews in your local area?

If not we can fix that - read on...

Who is this for?

Designed specifically for...


For all healthcare practitioners governed by AHPRA regulations, we have you covered. Talk to us about AHPRA compliant reviews on Google and Facebook and gain more new patients


Trade, retailer or any other local business? People search on Google and rely on ratings and reviews to make their choice of business to use. Stand out with more reviews than your competitors


If you have multiple local locations we have you covered as well. Multi-layered admin and reporting allows you to look after your brand as well as deep dive into individual locations  

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It's simple when you know how...

1. Be found. Our optimizing your Google My Business system will put you high in the rankings under the map. 

2. Be Chosen. Over 90% of consumers now use Ratings and Reviews to decide on who to do business with.  Consumers are looking for genuine and current reviews from real customers to help them make a decision.

Marketing on Autopilot 

Simply upload your existing customer database (just email and first name) and the fully automated system does the rest. 

Haven't been collecting customer data? No problem use our customised sign up page and we can automatically put customers in the draw for great prizes when they join your database. 

Then you can remarket to those customers with special deals and offers any time you like.

You can upload your customers in just a couple of minutes and the system automatically does everything else.

Want it fully hands-off? 

We also integrate with loads of other software like Xero accounts, CRM systems through a secure API so you don't have to do a thing. 

Supercharge your business with prize Promotions 

Everyone loves to win, so we've added amazing promotion tools to our review software. These promotions are amazing at increasing your turnover and available to all our customers. 

You can have Your Customers entered into a great draw simply for leaving feedback - or for buying certain products, or for upsells, or maybe just for joining your VIP Club -  There are hundreds of ways to use these promotions to drive more new customers and increase the spend of your existing ones too.

You can add your own promotional prizes, discount vouchers and the like to bring your customers back more often, or we will provide them for you. We often use travel as it's the number one desired prize. 

During Coved 19 travel restrictions our travel prizes are valid for 2 years - help your customers plan their post covid travel with great prizes.
Like A Free 10 Day Trial? 

Simply click the learn more button to have a short conversation with one of our reputation experts and they can set you up with a free 10 day Proof of Concept trial of Australia's leading reputation management system.

Craig Harwood
CEO Australian Web marketing and Reviewing You.